Snack Bar
Current Pricing and Policies
Monday-Thursday: $11.50 per person for 1 hour of bowling, shoes included; $16.25 for 2 hours. Or up to six persons per/lane, $29.00 per/hour with shoes included; $52.00 for two hours if paid at the beginning of the rental.
Friday-Sunday: [2 or more bowlers] $13.25 per person for 1 hour of bowling, shoes included; $18.00 for 2 hours. [1 bowler per lane] $18.00 for 1 hour of bowling, shoes included; $29.50 for 2 hours. Or up to six persons per/lane, $48.50 per/hour, shoes included; $66.00 for two hours if paid at the beginning of the rental.
No refunds for unused time. (Northgate league bowlers will continue to receive their per game bowling rate of $2.25/game for practice bowling.)
Lanes can be reserved for the day of bowling only. Please call 503-581-1634 to make a reservation.
We do not allow outside food to be brought into the bowling center.
Additionally, we are not adequately configured to provide for birthday parties, group gift exchanges, etc. For this reason, birthday cakes, gifts, and party sundries will not be allowed in the bowling center. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Fall Leagues will be starting soon! Bowling in a league is a great way to spend weekly time with friends, or to make new
Preliminary listing of Northgate's fall leagues; more information to come.
- Senior Citizen's Best [Mondays at 1:00 PM, Starts Sept 9, Age: 50+, Teams: 4 Person, Mixed Gender]
See Online Flyer
- Monday Night Mixed [Mondays at 7:00 PM, Starts Sept 9, Age: Adult, Teams: 4 Person, Mixed Gender]
See Online Flyer
- Break the Bank [Tuesdays, 6:30 PM, Starts Sept 3, Age: Adult, Teams: 4 Person, Mixed Gender]
See Online Flyer
- Alley Stars [Wednesdays, 9:30 AM, Starts Sept 4, Age: Adult, Teams: 4 Person, Women]
See Online Flyer
- Seniors In Action [Thursday, 9:30 AM, Starts Sept 5, Age: 50+,Teams: 3 Person, Mixed Gender]
See Online Flyer